
Years K - 2

"...choosing the right school for your child is one of the biggest decisions you will make as a parent..."

Starting school can be an exciting and challenging time for all families and choosing the right school for your child is one of the biggest decisions you will make as a parent and for good reason. These formative years of education provide students with the opportunity to build confidence and skills as a learner. 

At GPCC, students will commence their journey in understanding themselves and how they learn in a caring and nurturing environment. We deeply value the curiosity, discovery and wonder that each student brings to learning and aim to create spaces where this can grow and develop.

Our teachers use an explicit direct instruction model to guide students through the foundational concepts needed across all curriculum areas and to see these concepts consolidated.  A strong emphasis is placed on the social and emotional development across these years as students learn to be self-aware, regulate and make good decisions to help themselves and others learn.

Learning is engaging and diverse. All students in K-2 are assigned a College iPad that is used across the curriculum and integrated into it. They participate in specialist lessons each week in the areas of Japanese, Information Technology, Music and PE.